Dealing with Issues with Cell Phone Contracts

Moving to another country is scary and fun and exciting. There are a lot of responsibilities that you have to take care of though, in between exploring your new hometown and getting started in your new job. One of those responsibilities is getting a cell phone. After you move to Germany, you are going to have […]

DSL Internet service providers in Germany

Having found an apartment in Germany there are quite a few things you’ll need in order to feel settled in. You’ve probably already bought furniture or rented them from a furniture rental company. The electricity and gas have been taken care of. But now, instead of having to use your phone’s data plan for internet, you looking at […]

Phone, Internet, and Cellular Service in Germany

After you move to Germany, one of the first things you are going to want to do is get your phone and internet set up. Telephone and internet service should not be too difficult to set up. Phone There are many phone plans and options available to you in Germany; however most of those plans will not have […]

Internet and Phone Service in Germany

Just like the rest of the world, there are a number of options for telephone and Internet service in Germany. Phone Service While residing in Germany, most people have land lines in addition to their for cell phones. Cell phones are obtained in one of three ways: pre-paid service, monthly payment plans and a one-time prepayment renewable […]

O2 has the worst customer service in Germany

Having paid for a service, whether you’ve been a long time customer, or this is your first time with a specific company, no one is overjoyed when something goes wrong. In cases like this you want a solution, you want help, you want someone to turn to. If you use your phone to contact your […]

About Talkline Telephone Contract

Talkline is a cellphone  service provider located in Germany. They offer a wide range of cellphones as well as a variation of cellphone contract options to their customers. At first glance, the pricing of talklines contracts seem rather reasonable and are often favoured to a number of the more popular providers in Germany. However, there are certain conditions under which these ‘favoured’ prices are attainable and a level […]

VDSL experience in Germany

VDSL stands for very-high-bit-rate subscriber line. It is a type data transmission technology, especially for broadband internet, that allows a very large amount of data to be transmitted. Starting with VDSL in the early 2000s the advantages compared to other connections such as modems was obvious. Quickly the next generation of VDSL, VDSL 2 was developed and […]

Using Netflix in Germany

Favorite shows and the familiarity with home When relocating to Germany one is forced to give up on many of the beloved habits and other things that made life worthwhile back home. Having to find new friends, possibly a new job and even a new gym can impose a lot of stress on those forced to […]

ISDN, DSL, Cable: Broadband Internet in Germany

The internet has become such a dominant part of our every day lives. Its importance for keeping in touch with friends, doing research and also allowing for a smooth process in the working environment is ever increasing. Being in Germany as an expatriate more than likely means that you have left friends and family and  possibly […]

Best Internet Providers in Germany

Once you’ve made your way to Germany and have gotten all your furniture in place, and are starting to settle in, there’s one thing you’ll be in need of before your home is complete, Internet. All your friends and family back home will be waiting to hear from you, and catch up with you during […]

Mobile Phone Service When Traveling to Germany.

One of your main concerns when traveling to Germany, after the accommodation, transportation and flight has been taken care of, is being able to call home. Whether or not your cell phone may work in Germany perhaps scares you a bit because there may be one or two phone calls that you can’t afford to […]

Cellphones Handys Mobiles in Germany

Keep in touch with your family back home. Get a phone contract that is both full functioning and affordable. Moving to Germany? Leaving friends and family behind is hard enough, not being able to communicate with them only makes the transition harder. The majority of cellphones and cell phone providers in the United States and Asian countries do […]

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