Whether you are moving to Germany due to your partner’s job or because you desire an exciting change in environment, finding a job in Germany is a great way to both make some extra cash and make good use of the free time you would otherwise have. It’s important to remember that the native language in Germany, is indeed German and thus, finding a job in Germany may turn out a bit more difficult than apprehended. Looking into jobs before departing to Germany is a brilliant way to get an idea of what the market is like.
Start by finding out:
- what qualifications you will need to get a job in a particular field.
- what the pay is like.
- what jobs are available in your native language.
- what documentation you will need in order to be able to legally work in Germany.
- where you are living and how close in proximity it is to the jobs you are looking at.
- will the job you are looking at require you to have a certain level of German.
Provided you haven’t yet been able to take on the task of either learning German or perfecting your German your main concern when applying for a job in Germany may be the language itself. However, don’t be discouraged as there are many jobs available for English speakers and if the particular field you are looking into requires a certain proficiency in German there are numerous intensive courses you can take, either in your home country, or when you get to Germany that will enable you to improve your language skills.
Some of the most popular jobs English speakers take on in Germany include:
- Tutoring: A great way to use your native language to both help someone else and pay the bills.
- Teaching English to children: There are many language schools that hire independent native English speakers to teach. Some of these don’t require any particular experience and are just concerned with how well you get along with children, and that English is indeed your native language.
- Babysitting: If you love kids, this may be the perfect job for you. It’s not as demanding and can pay pretty well.
How to find jobs?
There are many websites available to help you find jobs before you get to Germany. Some of these website include:
A great way to go into your job search is to stay open minded. If you can’t seem to find your dream job or you need other qualifications in order to be able to apply, consider taking up another job, even if it’s just for the short term. This may enable you to complete the required qualifications during that time, learn some German and possibly meet new people who will help make your experience in Germany a memorable one. This also helps to build your resume and if nothing else, you can get a promising reference from this German employer that will make getting your dream job a tad bit easier.