When buying furniture in Erlangen, it is imperative that you keep your options open, know what is available before settling on a particular furniture store. You want your new home in this beautiful city to look chic and be a reflection of who you are and your new move. That’s what’s so awesome about redecorating and getting to start all over from the top. You will have a clean surface to work on, your bare apartment, and thus be able to paint as freely as you will. However, not knowing where to get your supplies, all the things that will make your new home a place that you’re happy to be in, is the first problem you may experience. There are lots of viable furnishing options in Erlangen and through a bit of web surfing and visit of the locations, you will be able to get a better feel of what particular stores have to offer.
Don’t get stuck on one spot. Shop around, really get to know what’s on the market before making a final decision, or solely going with one store. Different stores have different prices and thus you may find items in one place at a bargain price, and need to hop on over to another shop for a different item at a great price.
The great Erlangen options: Take a look at what these two stores have to offer, they take fancy and fabulous to new heights. Both are a bit on the pricier side of life but there’s no harm in splurging every once in a while.
Phone: +49 (0)9131.92026.0
Website: http://www.doerfler.de
Address: 91054 ErlangenFriedrichstraße 5
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +49 (0) 91 31 7 78 40
Website: http://www.domicil.de
Address: D 91058 ErlangenWetterkreuz 5
Email: [email protected]
The options are there, it’s just up to you to take them. Have fun while furniture shopping, after all, it’s not every day that you move into a new apartment.