As an expat it is highly important to get comfortable in your new home fast. Furniture is a great means of making that happen. The more your furniture represents you, the better you will feel about your new place. However, there are a few things that you should remember. While outside of Europe it is not as likely, many of the furniture stores in Austria have long waiting periods for some of their furniture models. These waiting times can be up to 2 weeks long and may cause your plans to deflate if you don’t plan properly. Also, it is often a smart idea to go furniture shopping by car. On one hand, many of the furniture stores are further out then it seems and on the other hand you will have it much easier bringing home items that you decide to buy right away. For your successful furniture shopping trip, here is a list of some of the best furniture stores in Graz.
Leiner Graz
At Leiner Graz you will find some of the best styles in all of Graz. The Leiner stores that can be found in many cities throughout Austria stand for ambience and design at affordable prices. This is what makes them a must visit during your furniture shopping trip.
Leiner Graz |
Phone: 036/7250-0
8020 Graz, Annenstraße 63
Kika Graz
When you are furniture shopping on a budget that is neither small nor especially large, Kika Graz is the right address to go visit. Here you will find great looking furniture that will last you some time without being overly expensive.
Kika Graz |
Phone: 036/282556
Kärntner Straße 287, 8054 Graz
Mömax Graz
While it is not the cheapest store when it comes to furniture, Mömax Graz isn’t far off either. It offers great looking products of an okay quality, at prices that not many places can match.

mömax Graz |
Weblinger Gürtel 20
8054 Graz