Take your car when you go furniture shopping! You may initially believe that this isn’t a necessity, especially if you’re not planning on buying anything just yet. However, it really and truly is. What’s important to note is that it may seem as though taking public transportation would be the easiest option, as it typically is when heading to the city but when it comes to furniture stores, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Most furniture stores are located outside the center of the hustle and bustle, in their own location, usually resembling that of a warehouse. This means that getting their with the bus or train may prove to be a lot more hectic than you imagined, especially if the bus doesn’t frequent the location that the furniture store is situated in. You also won’t have to worry about parking, because even the bigger furniture stores like Roller will have just enough parking for you regardless of how full they get.
Plus, what happens when you do actually find something that you want to take home? It’ll be a lot more comfortable transporting it in your car than on a bus, right?
Three wonderful furniture stores in Koblenz are: Vorfuehrmoebel, Galleria Mรถbel and Mรถbel Bernd. All three are very affordable options with prices in the middle range. Their stock ranges from unique to classy, simple to extravagant. Check out their online shops to get an idea of what they have to offer.
Here is their information:
Phone: 026-80750
Website: http://www.vorfuehrmoebel.de/
Address: Carl-Zeiss-Straรe 2
56070 Koblenz
Email: [email protected]
Galleria Mรถbel
Phone: 026 – 80 80 90
Website: http://www.galleria-moebel.de
Address: Am Moselring 23 56073 Koblenz
Email: [email protected]
Mรถbel Bernd
Phone: 02 6 – 304 30 0
Website: http://www.moebel-bernd.de
Address: Gewerbepark B9
Ernst-Abbe-Straรe 9
56070 Koblenz
Email: [email protected]
Remember, it’s always better to be in a car than out in the cold waiting for a bus.