How to Feel at Home in Austria

Moving to another country can be a scary and exciting thing all in one. Whether you are going it alone or are relocating the whole family, there are many new adventures that lie ahead. How you approach these adventures is generally what makes the biggest difference when arriving in a new place. 

Some of the tips listed below will assist you in your approach to relocating to Austria

Create a Home Away from Home

Whether you are renting, looking to buy property or you’re not quite sure where to start, creating a space to settle yourself is generally an important step to feeling at home in a new country. There are an abundance of accommodation options in Austria and new inventive ideas to help you get settled. For example, renting furniture is a great way to ensure you can get settled right away without the hassle of moving all your belongings overseas.

Learn the Language – German

It may sounds easier said then done, but learning the language of a new country is the best way to feel part of the community. Generally you will find that most Austrians are very understanding when you at least try to communicate in their native tongue. With today’s technology there are many online options for learning German or you can try a local language school once you get settled. Although it is a courtesy to at least try to learn the language of a new place, most Austrians today can speak at least some English. You will likely even come across those that really want to speak English to better their vocabulary.

Find other expats from your country/language

These days, the amount of expats relocating to other countries is exceptional. If not for work or other commitments, people are also relocating for their own piece of mind. Whatever your reason is, rest assured that there are always going to be fellow nationals from your home country where you are going. Online forums and expat connection sites can help you find other local nationals that can help make you feel at home.

Get outdoors and explore

Austria is an outdoor adventurers playground and it is easy to see why. From the famous alpine regions to the bustling cities, there are all sorts of amazing places to explore

Be open to the regional differences and identities – don’t stereotype

Like many countries, Austria has multiple regions and identities, so it is important not to generalise “Austrians” as one specific identity or region. Stereotyping is usually not a great way to make friends anyways, so keep an open mind to the differences of this unique place.


Tanja Traut

Saskia Petz

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