Why Lease Home Furnishings?
In Germany, the locals prefer unfurnished apartments and houses to the furnished variety. This means that furnished options are extremely limited, hard to find and expensive. You will find that you actually spend less money per month for an unfurnished apartment filled with rental furnishings than you will if you find a furnished place.
The advantage in renting your furnishings becomes obvious when you realize that in Germany unfurnished means something very different than anywhere else. It literally means a bare to the walls apartment, with no kitchen cabinets or appliances and often not even a kitchen sink. There may also be no bathroom fixtures, and possibly no carpets or lighting fixtures.
Even if you ship your household to Germany, it may take months to arrive, and it is highly unlikely that you will want to strip out the kitchen and move all of those fixtures, as well. Shipping is also very costly and leaves you with having to ship it all back home when your temporary relocation comes to an end.
Furniture Leasing Corporation can easily solve all of your problems, and do so in a timely and cost efficient manner.
• Visit FLC at www.FurnitureLeasing.net
• Ask for a no obligation quote
• Browse through all of the new &modern furniture, kitchen and bath options, choosing those which suit you best.
• Within 24 hours you will receive your quote
• At this time you can change any of your previously selected options
• The contract is not finalized until you agree
• Once finalized, prompt delivery arrangements will be made and all of your selections delivered and set up for you
Furniture Leasing Corporation will also pick up and return your rental items to their warehouse when your stay comes to an end.
Should you require electronics, linens,dishes or other accessories, FLC always has them in stock.